Green Leaves CBD supply
was winning Sugar peak inflammation A milestone for humanity was when it was
able to make sugar itself first from cane later also from beets Our body is
still focused on eating sugar - it gives the same kind of kick as cocaine
really But it is very unhealthy Every time you eat a lot of sweets the glucose
level in your blood rises and that gives an inflammatory reaction every time
which can result in all sorts of diseases Eat fat To his Green
Leaves CBD Oil listeners
Pijl advised you what to eat or not to eat Avoid industrially manufactured and
refined food and stay away from white rice pasta and potatoes as much as
possible What according to food professor Hanno Pijl is good to eat is
vegetables and fruit fatty fish some meat nuts olive oil bread only whole wheat
And do you want dairy choose the full-fat varieties preferably fermented so
buttermilk and cheese With the app 'Do I choose healthy' of the Nutrition
Center are now products with each other in Green
Leaves CBD UK of in health but there will be
more Meanwhile supermarket chains are participating Ekoplaza also wants to
participate while only a limited number of Aldi products are included in the
app and Lidl does not want to participate at all This is what the Nutrition
Center reports
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